Hanoi & the Akashic; between two worlds

Shobhana Gati
My Awakening Stories
3 min readOct 15, 2022


It wasn’t a coincidence that I was guided to open the akashic during this period.

I was letting go.

Learning to let go of an identity that no longer served my highest unfolding.

Firstly, I have released the Kriya Lightening Foundation. It served me for the period it was meant to — 3 years of intense emotional and energetic cleansing. This healing group loved me as I loved them. I discovered what it felt like to be in love as a tribe with purpose. I learned community love — beyond immediate birth family. There was a togetherness — a being of safety that held me close, especially thru the COVID period.

Secondly, my beloved Ann. A queen and goddess of sublime beauty in this world (and the subtler realms). Our intimate relating companionship travelled for 5 earth years, but it felt longer and deeper. I can with confidence say I “fell in love” yes, it is something I have experienced, lost myself in, and found myself again after.

Thirdly, Koh Phangan has graced me with an eclectic community of weirdos, musicians, jesters, healers, yogi’s and the like. I found connection, expression, peace and tranquility — to name a few. What an island! The techno dropped me into my body. The psychedelics opened me to the cosmos. And the jungle brought me into union with gaia. AND THEN, it held me whilst I put myself back together.

As the saying goes, all good things must come to a end.

I thankyou Kriya Lightening Foundation for supporting me through the dark night of the soul. You always had my back. I was held.

Ann, I thankyou for walking with me from boyhood to manhood.

Koh Phangan, there are no words.

And although this isn’t goodbye — it does feel like a definitive close to a cycle of my life as I free up my energy field to receive and attract what is next.

And what might that be?

If you watch this space you may find out soon enough.

In the meantime, I’ve found myself in Hanoi, Vietnam — between two worlds — from Koh Phangan to Bali.

The old me is melting, whilst I’m finding the me that which will move forward.

I’m not sure why I’ve had to accidentally end up in one of the most intense, loud, vibrant and busy South East Asia cities on my way to a new life, but here I am.

In a way, I feel as if the hardness of my surrounding is forging the diamond within. The distractions of the big city giving me the opportunity to amplify my letting go of old patterns that no longer serve.

It’s a trip! But life is, eh?

And so this guidance came into my life shortly after I asked to connect again with guru.

I thought maybe I had to go to India to find my next guru...

…But it quickly came to my attention that there is no other being on this planet that can guide me better than I can guide myself.

And so opening, stabilising, and working from the akashic is now that way in which I get to connect to the frequency of self daily, in which I dialogue with the coming to be. This is the greater self, unmanifest.

With the over chattering mind of our collective humanity lost in thoughts and abstractions, this tool I now find to be invaluable on my path towards ascended spiritual mastership in this incarnation.

With love from Hanoi,

— Dazz



UX & Product Designer, SexTech Entrepreneur, UX Mentor, Mental Health Coach, Healer, DJ and Writer.