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Grief & Connection

Shobhana Gati
My Awakening Stories
3 min readDec 16, 2022


Within the last 48hrs I’ve said a deeper good bye to my previous partner, wished a dear close brother a safe trip to India, been stood up (fairly last minute) by 2 other brothers, and failed to reach my parents for a chat.

I feel tender, somewhat lonely, but also I honour this beautiful orchestration in the perfection of life that is ensuring any last remanence of an old me has the opportunity to release and let go, so that I can start again.

You see, everything is in order. Everything is in perfection. Truly so. I’ve witnessed again and again how things I can’t fathom as to WHY they have happened to me, find a way of making complete sense further down the path.

Everything is connected, even if our eyes cannot see it in the moment.

Looking beyond the physical plane of reality, it’s possible to watch the patterns of energy swirling and shifting and shaping itself in just the right life experiences, dramas and triggers for our growth.

And when I say growth, I mean our life path. Our unfolding. Our expansion. Our soul journey. Our awakening.

At this time, the vast majority of humanity are unaware of the epic spiritual ascension happening on this planet. By the time I pass on from this lifetime (however far in the future that might be), I believe the vast majority will be aware of a transitioning time of ages — a vastly powerful reorientation of human consciousness as we return to a deeper seeing of life beyond materialism.

Vast swaths of humanity is currently lost in a stronghold of reptilian AI trickery. Earth being the epicentre of a galactic battle between good and evil, the light and the dark. Just a story? Maybe.

I’m reminded of one of the first scenes in Series 1 of West World — where participants in the game get to choose a White Hat or a Black Hat before they jump on the train.

Ultimately, good and evil is all the same, but in our incarnation we pick a side to play.

For me, I believe it to be the light. A decade long journey of inner healing, growth, stories, expansion, travel, falling in love, men’s work, psychedelics, beach life, partying, plant medicine, entrepreneurship, tantra, cacao… I mean this list can go on and on.

Point being, the work is on going.

However, as I step into my newly channeled sanskrit name I feel I’m through the darkest parts of my journey. I’ve done the dark night of the soul, and swam in the depths of shadow plenty enough for this lifetime.

It’s time for the light to shine through. To honour the shadow and to know that there will always be shadow influencing me in physical form, but nevertheless not to dwell on it or get lost in there.

And so I see my sensitivity today, and I take it slow. I’m gentle with myself. I play some guitar. I write a blog post. I message a new lover.

And I tell myself that I’m proud of how far I’ve come.

What a journey this trip has been.

Truly, that too was the Sanskrit name that I was given — Shobhana Gati.

Roughly translated it means, ‘Magnificent Soul Journey’.

I can feel the resonance of that.

With Love,
— Sho.



UX & Product Designer, SexTech Entrepreneur, UX Mentor, Mental Health Coach, Healer, DJ and Writer.